We believe (though it must be confirmed) that Jamie Lundy is the 2008 San Francisco Rose. This is a quote from Gator Buzz 'Congratulations to anthropology undergrad Jamie Lundy, who will represent San Francisco in Ireland’s Rose of Tralee Festival in August. Every year, 30 young women from major ports of Irish immigration are selected to represent their respective communities. One winner is picked out of these finalists, and is crowned the “Rose of Tralee.” Lundy tells me this “is not a beauty pageant, and is based on personality and speaking ability, as the overall winner will serve as a kind of Irish ambassador to the world. The Rose of Tralee is the largest and oldest event Ireland holds each year, steeped in tradition and culture…I am so proud to represent San Francisco’s community of Irish immigrants and hope to make San Francisco proud this August.” '
Gator Buzz is a blog about events in San Francisco.
We hope it is Jamie who is the winner of the San Francisco Rose of Tralee competition, A more articulate, vivacious young lady you will never find. Jamie is a person who holds true to her ideals and whose sense of social justice is second to none. She should be an outstanding asset to the Rose competition in Tralee this summer.
we all hope Jamie will be this years Rose Of Tralee. She has a lovely personality and is a kind and caring young lady.
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