Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mid-Atlantic News

On Saturday 26th June, the 2010 Mid-Atlantic Rose will be chosen. Where? At the Philadelphia Irish Centre of course. And of course the ladies at the centre of things are the Conaghan sisters Karen and Sarah. In the picture above Karen is far left and Sarah far right.

Did you know that it is planned to have 250 rose centres in America covering nine regions? You didn't? Go to the Irishphiladelphia site to read; 'Anthony O'Gara, managing director of the festival, says the United States is about to gain many, many new Rose of Tralee Centres--groups of people responsible for running their own local and regional festivals."Our ambition is to build 250 centres in America in nine regions," says O'Gara. "Sarah Conaghan and her sister Karen Conaghan Race have spearheaded the movement here in the United States. This [instead of running just one local festival], they'll be running a regional festival pulling in six centres" '.

The article continues ' O'Gara acknowledges that there are many Rose of Tralee Centers in the States already--but they're scattered. "There are pockets of Irish in cities and regions all over the united States," he notes. "If you just have one centre for every state, you're only reaching a tiny portion of the Irish and irish-Americans living in that state," he says '.

Now you know!

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