Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Orleans News

Yet again we have to thank the Times-Picayune newspaper for updates and photographs about the 2010 New Orelans Rose, Lizzie Wales.

To quote from the article; "My husband and I have been to Ireland before, in fact it’s where we celebrated our honeymoon," Peggy Wales (Lizzies mum) said. "We have close ties to Ireland. My grandmother is from there, and my mother shared many stories with Lizzy about life there. We often joked that Lizzy was meant to be there, and soon we will be going. Juggling her travel preparations and final exams, Lizzy Wales is still very excited and honored to represent the New Orleans area in the Rose competition. I have exams coming up and then after that, I get to go shopping and get ready for the big trip," she said. "It just feels so great to represent my hometown and make my family proud. I have always written book reports on Ireland, studied all about it, and heard about it from my family, and now I get to go. "

As ever, visit the Times-Picayune for more on this story.

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