Monday, September 6, 2010

Martha loved it

Martha with Robbie

Martha Gilheany, 2010 Leitrim Rose, had "the time of my life" at the International Rose Festival, according to the Leitrim Observer. The article reveals Martha's experiences at the festival - e.g. what was the highlight at Tralee? - "When asked about the highlight from Tralee, Martha didn't hesitate in selecting the parade. She said it was "magical," she described the sky, the atmosphere, the crowds, the colourful floats and most importantly her support as "extraordinary."

Martha Escort during the festival was Robbie Costello, the same Robbie who won Escort of the Year. From the Observer - 'Martha paid tribute to her right hand man, Robbie Costelloe who won Escort of the Year in the Dome last Monday night. She said he was a "gentleman and so funny, he helped me relax when I got nervous" '.

Read more in the Leitrim Observer.

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