Monday, May 28, 2012

Alana's First appearance

Alana Marshall, representing the Taranaki Irish Society
Alana Marshall
The Irish Champion has a great article about the contestants for the New Zealand Rose. All the girls have a picture and a short biography.

Courtesy of the Irish Champion this is Alana's (2012 Taranaki Rose) story;
'Alana was born in 1987 in New Zealand. Both Alana’s parents were New Zealand-born, in New Plymouth and Hamilton.
Her great great grandfather came from Forthill, Co Antrim, while her great great grandmother came from Ennis Co Clare. The family haver been in New Zealand since the early 1860s. Currently Alana is a Recreation and Events Administrator working for the New Plymouth District Council.
She lists her leisure activities as travel, exercising (yoga, tramping, cycling), and reading. She has completed her first 24-hour adventure race, and completed this year’s Oxfam Trailwalker fundraising event. Alana enjoys trying new things and challenging herself.
When younger she played the violin and piano, and, later, the saxophone. Singing is a pastime best shared in a choir or the privacy of her own home.'

To read more go here.

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